AMD launched its fastest desktop processors to quad-core type, the AMD Phenom X4 980 II Black Edition which has a clock speed of 3.7GHz with 6MB of L3 cache. This latest AMD processors designed for gamers and the mania that like upgrading their PCs with multi-core performance extraordinary. This CPU also has a BLACK VISION technology for 3D games are intense and immersive, and display high-definition entertainment with full support for Microsoft DirectX 11.
This processor is sold in a condition which means the user can unlock mengoverclocknya and optimize system performance especially when combined with RADEON HD 6000 graphics card series. Screenshot from CPU-Z
This processor is sold in a condition which means the user can unlock mengoverclocknya and optimize system performance especially when combined with RADEON HD 6000 graphics card series. Screenshot from CPU-Z
AMD Phenom II X4 quad-core processor 980 features a thermal design point (TDP) of 125 watts is surprising given the much higher clock speeds than the processor Deneb-die like his predecessor, X4 975.
AMD Phenom X4 980 Black Edition II made based on the core 45 nm Deneb Phenom used 2 before, but it is definitely faster. This processor is still using a socket AM3 to be compatible with socket AM2 + so you do not need to buy a new motherboard for this processor. These processors use a 200 Mhz FSB with multiplier x18.5 which produces 3.7 Ghz speed. The price of AMD Phenom X4 980 2 is relatively cheap because only about $ 195. (Source)
AMD Phenom X4 980 Black Edition II made based on the core 45 nm Deneb Phenom used 2 before, but it is definitely faster. This processor is still using a socket AM3 to be compatible with socket AM2 + so you do not need to buy a new motherboard for this processor. These processors use a 200 Mhz FSB with multiplier x18.5 which produces 3.7 Ghz speed. The price of AMD Phenom X4 980 2 is relatively cheap because only about $ 195. (Source)
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Mantap banget ya gan !!!!!!
blog ini cukup ramai sekali , penataanya juga cukup bagus ditambah dengan artikel yang bagus pula , sungguh sangat sempurna !!! Salam Kenal !!!
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