Assalamualaikum wr. wb
Thank God was given me health to be able to continue writing my blog, and given the ideas to write this blog. Okay now I make a page that will contain the banners of friends who want to exchange banners with me. The way is easy and simple ;
1. Copy the link my banner which was in the left sidebar of my blog.
2. Enter my banner that has been copied from my earlier blog to your blog
3. Comment on this page if you've put my banner on you blog , so I know that my banner in your blog
4. Once I'm on line I'll put your banner on my blog.
Many reasons why we do exchange banners or links. One reason is that our blogs to get backlinks from blogs of our friends who put a link to our blog on their blog. That way we will increase blog traffic so easy to find in our blog search engine like google, bing, msn and others. So this is one trick Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Here's a link banner of friends who have exchanged banners:

25 Comment:
Hello, Kimbim, i loved visiter your blog. Istand up for you too. Your blog i'ts wonderful! Full important dicks. congratulations! Kisses of the all Brasilians and of the Barros Correia Marching Band, my passion...Good bye!
Thanks for visit our blog guys :)
Baner dah terpasang Sob...
Text Link agann telah terpasang ..
Silahkan pasang balik Text Link Site saya ..
Follow success no 133 ,, Follow balik ya !!
gan mau tukeran banner gk...?
Gan,,,, Link ente udah kepasang blog saya. balik pasang punya saya ya !
Good blog, bartering links, chat box, follow
Sorry Promotion:
chat prancis:
chat dollar:
Ngikut Tukeran Link ya kawan.. Silahkan di check.. :) Thakyu..
Tukar Link gan ,, banner nya sudah di pasangg
link sudah terpasang,,
gantian donk donk donk,,
visit me
Ronda malam sambil ngemil keripik singkong.. mantap bro.. very nice blog deh..
Link udah dipasang, silahkan cek di
Ditunggu link backnya. Thanks...
Mari silah tukeran link sob,,,
tuker link mas bro, sudah terpasang disini :
banner sdh dipasang gan, please cek tkp, bantu sundulannya dikit ads ane gan.trimakasih
sob LINK BANNER dah terpasang dengan sukses, Mohon di cek & pasang balik lik bannerku ya.. :)
tukar banner BOS? banner anda sudah saya muat.
respon balik yea?
banner dah kepasang cek ya..pasang banner ane juga dsini
aku juga dong
Gan... tukeran banner yeee.. banner anda udah dipasang di
posisi ada di banner sahabat
Gan... banner anda udah dipasang di
posisi ada di banner sahabat
makasih kunjunganya gann..
Banner saya pasang juga ya sob,,makasih :)
Pasang balik banner saya ya sob cek ,,makasih.. :)
masbro.... bannernya sdh terpasang yo.. d blog ane.... monggo dilanjutkan... yaa..:D
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