Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
God I prayed to the Almighty, which has given me health, so I can
breathe today. Because thanks to the blessing is I can make this blog.
Okay straight out, my name is Bhima Permana Putra, I am just a student
from Gadjah Mada university and study in computer science ugm. Actually I
just made this blog for fun, but I think a lot of benefits that I can
in making this blog, one of which is to exchange information with other
bloggers, making simple coding to beautify my blog, where the science
is not I can from the lessons at university . Perhaps there are many
more benefits will we get from a blog. So I will be serious in keeping
this blog to avoid the same fate as my other blogs.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.