Nokia has just announced the latest variant mobile phones for the Chinese market. The mobile phone is the Nokia Lumia 925T which is the Chinese version of the Lumia 925. In addition, they also provide Lumia 925. And secondly this phone will work with using TD-SCDMA network.
In general, this phone has a design similar to the Lumia 925. This mobile phone comes with a screen measuring 4.5 inch PureMotion HD +, Snapdragon S4 dual-core processor 1.5GHz, 1GB RAM, 2000 mAh battery and PureView technology.
The Nokia China did not announce explicitly that the operating system version will be used in this smartphone. But most likely this phone will use the Windows Phone OS 8.1. In addition, this phone also will come with a choice of three colors, namely black, white and gray.
4 Comment:
Memang Nokia Lumia 925T ini benar2 canggih sob, saya masih bermimpi memilikinya hehe..., Sukses selalu kawan.
I like this gadget but too expensive for me hehe... nice informations my friend :)
pengin sih,,tapi dana kurang haha :D
ramai kan blog ku kawan :D
Great article, Thanks for your great information, the content is quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.
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