Samsung Galaxy S II CPU can overclock Up to 1.8 GHz

One of the phones are phenomenal in terms of performance and the performance of the Samsung Galaxy S II outputs, where the smartphone that looks good in terms of the ability of dual-core CPU her.

That is why XDA Community to try experimenting with the Galaxy S II T-Mobile's output, up to 1836 MHz overclock birth rate. For information, previously been tried also overclocking, which is able to be in the position of 1.5 GHz.

To achievements these figures may be practically no problem. Only, we're wondering what the kernel can be used to generate those speeds, which can later be tried alone, if you dare.

Tutorials related to overclocking the Samsung Galaxy S II can be seen at this address. But, of course, bear the risk itself, which will likely void the warranty if the phone Galaxy S II is still within the warranty period.

Although these steps are fairly obvious, but there's one thing to know, namely that the chipset used Samsung Galaxy S II for T-Mobile Galaxy SII was different from the others. So, is likely to encounter many obstacles when porting process. (Source)

4 Comment:


Amazing...I like U blog..

Kapasca said...

good article gaan..... B-)

Lutfi said...

Woww...HPnya keren sob....Jadi pengen...:)
Oh ya sob....bagusan mana yaa sama HP Nokia C5-03

blogadexme said...

Hp nya keren2....tapi nggk ada uang utk beli.....lebih sayang dengan nokia...
di tunggu koment nya ke blog saya....

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